Ireland Electronic Customs Clearance – Over the last decade it has become a legal requirement for all customs declarants to submit customs declaration to Revenue electronically, through electronic customs clearance on ROS . Electronic customs clearance declarations are submitted to Revenue via Automated Entry Processing (AEP). The most commonly used customs return is the Single Administrative Document (SAD). This declaration is submitted via the AEP system. Entry & Exit Summary declarations are submitted through the Import Control System (ICS) and transits are submitted to Revenue via the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS). As of January 2020, it is unclear as to whether the UK will communicate with the EU using a common transit system or use a completely different system to the EU. It is the interests of both parties that the transfer of reliable data is maintained regardless of any political changes.
Revenue will be making a number of changes to the way customs declarations are processed in Ireland later in 2020. Revenue will roll out the Automated Import System later in 2020. This will make changes to some import declarations to provide more consistency with European wide processes. More information can be found on
New Automated Electronic Customs Clearance Import System (AIS) – Operational November 2020
As part of the Union Customs Code (UCC) IT work programme, Revenue will implement a new electronic customs clearance system called the National Import system in November 2020. This new Automated Import System (AIS) will comply with the provisions of the UCC and will replace theexisting import declaration system.AIS will introduce changes to the import procedure impacting on those involved in the import supply chain.
Import eManifest will be replaced by new declaration types, for example:
- Electronic Transport Document
- Presentation Notification
- a Temporary Storage Declaration
The structure and content of the import declaration will change significantly.
To counter the potential extra cost incurred some importers and exporters are making the decision to take customs procedures in-house and upskill their administrative teams to process customs declarations themselves. There are a number of steps including finding the right software provider, training staff and setting up accounts. Traders must use Direct Trader Input (DTI) and must be recognised formally by Revenue as DTI approved. Traders must also upload a digital certificate to the software platform they use to process declarations. More information on DTI can be found on at
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