Prepare for Customs Audit
Customs declarations like any other type of return to Revenue are subject to audit. Up until now customs audits in Ireland, have not been front and centre for the Revenue Commissioners. That is about to change.
Customs declarations like any other type of return to Revenue are subject to audit. Up until now customs audits in Ireland, have not been front and centre for the Revenue Commissioners. That is about to change.
UK To Keep The Land Bridge Open. The UK land bridge has acted as a corridor for roll-on-roll-off (RoRo) trade between Ireland and the UK for decades.
Компании, импортирующие и экспортирующие товары через Великобританию после Brexit, должны будут классифицировать свои товары. Это означает, что компании должны будут получить правильный тарифный код и правильно указать его в таможенной декларации на данный груз.