Full customs controls for the UK came into effect on January 1st 2022 supported by the Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS). All haulage companies entering or exiting the UK must now make a GVMS submission and get a GMR number before boarding a ferry, to or from the UK. Customers must be registered to use this service. Current arrangements will continue to apply to goods moving from the island of Ireland to GB while discussions on the Northern Ireland Protocol are continuing.For details on how to register for the GVMS service please click here.
Some users are making mistakes with the system as they are still getting used to the new process. There are some common user errors occurring when customers are creating Goods Movement References (GMRs) into GVMS.
При подаче заявки в GVMS обратите внимание на следующее
1. Получите GMR для всех грузов, включая порожние.
2. Do not use the trailer references when entering your Vehicle Registration Number (VRN) into the GMR for an accompanied movement, as this means the carrier will be unable to validate your GMR. The VRN must match the vehicle presenting the GMR.
3. Не добавляйте в GMR номера экспортных номеров перемещения ЕС (MRN).
4. Ensure that you are entering the correct type of declaration reference. For exports via CHIEF or CDS this is the DUCR, for imports via CDS this is the MRN and for imports via CHIEF this is the ERN. For more information on what references to include in a GMR click this link Get a goods movement reference on GOV.UK.
5. Declarants – Use the dual location code for all exports declarations from GB to EU – when moving through the border locations of Dover and Eurotunnel.
6. Declarants – Ensure that RRS01 is included on your import or export declaration if your goods are being moved via a GVMS border location, otherwise the GMR will be invalid and your shipment will be delayed.
Custran offers a full GVMS service as part of our UK software package. For more details on GVMS contact us here.