GVMS Customs Software

By July 2021 goods moving into and out of the UK will be subject to new customs controls due to the UK leaving the EU Customs Union.

Customs controls make sure HMRC can collect the correct duties at the right time, protect UK businesses and consumers and avoid any unhelpful trade distortions between the UK and the EU.

The Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) will:

  • Link declaration references together. This means the person moving goods only needs to present one reference at the frontier to prove that their goods have pre-lodged declarations.
  • Link the movement of goods to declarations, meaning they can be automatically arrived and departed in HMRC systems in near-real-time.
  • Notify users via your software whether their inbound goods have been successfully cleared in HMRC systems by the time they arrive in the UK.

Goods Movement Records and References

At border locations operating a pre-lodgement model and using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service to control goods, pre-lodged declaration references will need to be linked together within a single Goods Movement Record (GMR).

Carriers will require hauliers to give them the reference generated by a GMR when they arrive to use the crossings on these routes. This applies even for empty vehicles making a crossing.

Each GMR contains details for a single crossing and can be used only once.

The government asserts that the GVMS will allow the UK to: 

  • Enable declaration references to be linked together so that the person moving the goods (e.g. the haulier) only has to present one single reference (Goods Movement Reference or GMR) at the frontier to prove that their goods have pre-lodged all the necessary declarations 
  • Allow the linking of the movement of the goods to declarations, enabling the automatic arrival / departure (where applicable) of goods in HMRC systems so that goods boarding on the EU side can be processed en route.
  • Automate the Office of Transit function, marking the entry of goods into the UK customs territory
  • Allow notification of the risking outcome of declarations (i.e. cleared or uncleared) in HMRC systems to be sent to the person in control of the goods by the time they physically arrive in the UK, so that they know where they need to proceed. Or, in the words of Tim Reardon, head of EU Exit at the Port of Dover, ensuring “the lorries go where they’re told to go”.

Custran’s platform offers users the abiltiy to create GMRs’ via the GVMS system using Custran’s proprietary GVMS Customs Software.

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